Sasa Bojanic - 2015-09-16


a new version of Enhydra JaWE is released and available for download from

Java8 is required to use this version.

Main changes since version 5.1-1 (branch version 5.1-3 already contains some of the changes):

  • Now using 2.0-1 version of jXPDL (Java XPDL Model -
  • Allowed in-place editing of Id, Name and Value attributes in tables
  • Improved Expression Lane Editor - now possible to use variables when editing expressions
  • Filtering of variables by type in PanelUtilities.getPossibleVariableChoices() now makes a distinction if variable is array or not
  • Now configuring JSplitPane's divider positions (MainDividerLocation, FirstSmallDividerLocation and SecondSmallDividerLocation properties) in percentage (not in an absolute values)
  • Now validating unused applications and participants
  • Shark mode:
  • improved support for extended attributes that allow evaluation of priority/limit/description/name of activity/process (update of expressions when Id of used variable is changing, GUI support with multi-line text editor)
  • better support for UserGroupToolAgent (added possibility to use getGroupByEMailAddress and getUserByEMailAddress methods)
  • updated support for LDAPToolAgent according to the changes in LDAPClientInterface
  • Deadline, Limit and Error emails now supports extended attribute(s) for specifying recipient variable(SMTP_xxx_HANDLER_RECIPIENT_VARIABLE)
  • Added support for ExecuteSql tool agent
  • Allowed usage of config string and xpdl string variables in Performer, Deadline, Transition condition and ActualParameter expressions
  • Improved validation
  • Supported new activity extended attribute "FORM_PAGE_URL". This attribute is a reference to XPDL_STRING and specifies the URL location of the form to open to see activity details
  • Supported new (I18n related) extended attributes:
    • I18N_XPDL_FOLDER_NAME (Package level),
    • I18N_PROCESS_DEFINITION_FILE_NAME (WorkflowProcess level),
    • I18N_NAME_TRANSLATION_KEY and I18N_DESCRIPTION_TRANSLATION_KEY (Package, WorkflowProcess, Activity and DataField level)
  • Supported i18n variables
  • Support for new system variables
  • Supported new variable i18n_lang_code which is now represented as Package/Workflow process attribute
  • Introduced constants for the names/description of the system variables
  • Supported insertion of system variable name/description/translation and process variable name/description when defining XPDL string or email subject/content
  • Supported changes in SOAPToolAgent
  • Supported new TXWToolAgent
  • Some changes in SharkPackageValidator API method signatures
  • BeanShell and JavaScript tool agent are now allowed to have FormalParameter "Script" which is used to define script to execute in the case extended attributes "AppName" or "Script" are not defined
  • BeanShell and JavaScript tool agent are now allowed to use any process variable
  • Supported new extended attribute AUTO_COMPLETION
  • Improved performance and accuracy when moving entries for the Activity's 'Web client configuration->Default GUI->Variables'
  • Support for VariableToProcess_FETCH extended attribute
  • Improved: panel for actual parameters (now considering if formal parameter is array and offering only the array variables in that case)
  • Improved: the background color of combo-box now properly set
  • Improved: the background color of list panel for selecting participants when many now properly set
  • Improved: now considering variable ids in the actual parameter which map to XPath application parameter ResultVariableIds
  • Fixed: bug that showed email panel in edit mode even in the case package is external or transient
  • Fixed: repositioning of XPDLString variables inside table is now working
  • Improvement: increased dimensions of table for displaying DataFields, FormalParameters, XPDLStrings and I18NVariables
  • Improved validation: can't have Tool activities having both start and finish mode set to MANUAL
  • Improved validation:
    • can't have the same Ids for xpdl strings/i18n variables/normal variables
    • can't have invalid characters for xpdl string/i18n variables
  • Implemented support (GUI + validation) to reference XPDL_STRING variable from DynamicScript variable
  • Java8 support

New release of Enhydra Shark (Java XPDL Workflow Engine) is now available as well and can be downloaded from:
