deepak - 2002-11-30

(Reading Bela's response to other messages I'm reposting this message to this list)

Is there a way to provide an application specific name for each member and have that available during view changes etc.?

For example:

* ApplicationName could be a string: "CacheNode1", "CacheNode8",...

* When application connects it declares its appName: channel.connect("CacheNode1");

* When a view update is received by any other member it should be possible to dig out the appName (preferably from the Address?):

That way the application can deal with names appropriate to it rather than having to translate between InetAddress and appName each time.

Any suggestion how to do this elegantly?

Currently, I have maintain an explicit map between Address and appName by having app. messages (e..g on connecting the member broadcasts its name and everyone stores it in their local lookup).


PS: Thanks to Bela and all developers!
PS2: Anyone knows how JG has performed in large clusters? (100+ nodes)? Failure detection, broadcast?