
save game backup issue

  • daaceking

    daaceking - 2009-09-06


    i have managed to backup a file using bluetooth. but i can't seem to be able to read it through the emulator. help would be appreciated. :-)

    • Jörg Jahnke

      Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-06

      Can you describe what you did? I tested the following scenarios during development:
      a) Transfer of a game state from one mobile device emulator to another mobile device emulator.
      b) Transfer of a game from my real mobile phone to my PC.
      In both cases I was able to continue the game on the other device. It is important on that device that the ROM of the saved game also exists on that device and it must also have the same name (but not path).

    • daaceking

      daaceking - 2009-09-09

      i have the game one w910i and w595. same rom name. it was quite confusing.

      1) both handsets ready (reveive and send)

      2) allow obex connection? yes

      3) add device as trusted? yes

      4) allow software to access phone (client phone)? yes

      5) accept file? yes

      6) file saved in other on memory card

      it's quite long. anyway to make it simpler?

      • Jörg Jahnke

        Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-09

        > i have the game one w910i and w595. same rom name. it was quite confusing.
        It is important that the ROMs do not only have the same name but are in fact the same!

        > 1) both handsets ready (reveive and send)
        > 2) allow obex connection? yes
        > 3) add device as trusted? yes
        > 4) allow software to access phone (client phone)? yes
        > 5) accept file? yes
        > 6) file saved in other on memory card
        > it's quite long. anyway to make it simpler?

        Yes, the simple way would be to start the emulator on both phones, then select the menu option "Receive file" on the phone where you want to copy the saved state to, and then select the menu option "Send file" on the phone where the game was saved. Then select the game state to transfer, wait until the search finds the other phone and then send it to that phone. On the other phone the saved game automatically gets stored as a saved game.

        Please check whether this works for you. I am going to extend the online help and add a section about transfer of game states via Bluetooth.

    • daaceking

      daaceking - 2009-09-09

      what i did was what you said.

      i did the send file recieve file thing on the phones and all those steps are the result

      • Jörg Jahnke

        Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-09

        OK, sorry, I didn't get this at first. The many steps in transferring the file are not up to me and the implementation of the emulator. It's what the device does to setup a connection. Perhaps some of these steps can be omitted for signed Java applications, but getting the app signed is out of question :-(.

        Were you able to continue the game on the second device?

    • daaceking

      daaceking - 2009-09-09

      i wasn't able to play because the file is saved like a normal file in "other" and not where it's meant to be.

      when you transfer files from a pc to phone, it's like that.

      • Jörg Jahnke

        Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-10

        On the receiving phone, did the emulator report that the file was received, or was it another file transfer application that accepted the file?

        Another thing you could try is to move the received file from the "other" folder into the ROMs folder. It should the appear as a snapshot in the list of ROMs when starting a game. Does that work?

        • daaceking

          daaceking - 2009-09-10

          the messages were a mixture of the main phone's message such as bluetooth off, turn it on?

          and the software, such as waiting for file.

          • Jörg Jahnke

            Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-10

            Bluetooth needs of course be turned on on both phones. To successfully and automatically transfer a file between two phones it must happen through the phone send and receive facility. If receiving is done via the phones file transfer utilities, then it looks like it will place the file in the "other" directory. To then use it you have to move it manually to the directory where you places the ROM files and run the ROM file detection again.

            • daaceking

              daaceking - 2009-09-11

              i haven't tested it but the entire process seems long winded for sony ericsson phones. is it quicker on nokia and other phones?

              • Jörg Jahnke

                Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-11

                The basic process is
                - activate receive file on phone 1,
                - activate send file on phone 2,
                - select file,
                - select phone 1 to send to.
                These steps must be the same on all phones. Whether the individual phone model ask the user whether he wants to trust the other phone or how to activate bluetooth is not up to the emulator implementation.

                If the sent file is not received by phone 1, then there is the possibility of using a different Bluetooth transfer method. Currently I implemented the transfer using OBEX (object exchange), which enables the transfer not only to other phones but also to PCs. If the transfer to other phones does not work (in my tests with the device emulator, everything was fine, though), then there is also the possibility to user SPP (serial device protocol) instead.

                So my question is: Does this process work at all for you i.e. can you transfer a game state from one of your phones to the other, no matter how many steps are involved?

  • daaceking

    daaceking - 2009-09-12

    yep, it transfers. but like i said, it's in "other" i've not tested the move file and rescan theory yet.

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2009-09-12

    OK, so it looks like it's not the emulator that did receive the file, but instead it was "intercepted" by the phone software. That's a pity. Should you test whether moving the file from the "other" directory into the ROMs directory enable you to continue the saved game on the other device, then please let me know. Thanks

  • daaceking

    daaceking - 2010-01-16

    the snapshot is detectable of you search for roms again. however, there is an issue with searching for roms. you can't go back up to the directory before or even the home directory, where you decide if you want to access phone or memory card. however, if you change the roms/snapshots, it re-searches itself and updates the list, which is a good thing.

  • daaceking

    daaceking - 2010-01-16

    the message before is for version 1.4 jmeboy

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2010-01-16

    daaceking, could you please explain again what the problem is? To be honest, I don't really understand what you are aiming at :-(.

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2010-01-16

    Ah, forget my last message. I just saw the bug report and I think from the description there I understand.

  • daaceking

    daaceking - 2010-01-17

    just a quick recap, the bluetooth transfer didn't work as planned and you suggested a solution. solution didn't quite work. searching for roms again, cures the problem, but there is a slight problem in the searching itself. the fact that you can't go back a stage or back to the main starting point.


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