
export savegames (JMEboy)

  • isi

    isi - 2010-04-14

    Is it possible to export the savegames to my computer (to play them with JSwingboy or  to have backups)? I think a similar question was asked here , but I don't know how to send a savegame to a device without JMEboy.

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2010-04-14

    Yes, you should be able to transfer a saved game via Bluetooth from a mobile phone to a PC.

  • Aquadrat

    Aquadrat - 2010-06-08

    I could not sent a SG to my PC, too.
    I click the "Bluetooth ->" item and then "Send data", choose the file and then I return to the mainmenue (no error appears).

    The connection between PC and my mobile phone (SE W890i) is ok.

    Or do you mean a other way to sent the Files?

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2010-06-08

    The file is sent via Object Exchange (OBEX). Is this protocol supported by the Bluetooth software on your PC? Besides this way, there is no other way to transfer a game state from the mobile device to the PC.

  • Aquadrat

    Aquadrat - 2010-06-08

    I think so. I installed "Medieaval Bluetooth Obex File transfer" and I can exchange files.
    How I could test if my Bluetooth stick/PC/Driver support OPEX?
    I use Win Vista with the SE-Drivers

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2010-06-08

    Then the PC should notify you once you send the file from the phone. If it does not, then I don't know how to help. Sorry

  •  ZolikS

    ZolikS - 2010-08-14

    I've got a similar problem. Bluetooth connection is established. Regular file transfer works (i mean like transfering pictures via bluetooth mobile -> PC and PC -> mobile).
    Still, the in-game bluetooth doesnt seem to work. It just lets me select a save file i wanna transfer, so I select it and then nothing happens. It just returns to the main menu with no respond. And PC doesnt recieve anything.
    And I have a problem with sending save game into the mobile device from PC as well. On mobile i select Bluetooth -> File recieve. Then I send a save game from my PC. Mobile just detects it as a regular bluetooth message, JMEBoy doesn't react at all.
    Is there any other way how to get a save game out of the JMEBoy? Manually?
    Or - is there any way it could work better if I tried the newest version? But - will I lose the save game when installing new version?
    Thanks for answer.

  • Jörg Jahnke

    Jörg Jahnke - 2010-08-14

    There is no other way to get the saved games out of the emulator. If it does not work with the version you have on your phone, then you can try a newer version. The release notes of each version always tell if saved games are lost or not. Usually changes in a minor version (like 1.1 to 1.2) often mean that saved games are lost, while changes of the micro version (1.2.1 to 1.2.2) usually preserve the saved games.


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