
Evolution Tournament / News: Recent posts

Now supports scripted actions

The new release of Evolution Tournament supports scripted actions for animals. Write your actions as Beanshell scripts, using standard Java syntax. All of the animal's attributes are exposed, as are lists of the visible Friends and Enemies. Some of the sample animal configurations now include scripted actions instead of action grids.

Posted by Richard Townsend 2011-07-07

New Screenshots

I've loaded some screenshots showing the various aspects of the game. Stats screens are only available when the game is paused; hit the spacebar to pause (and unpause), then click on a creature, hazard or plant to see its stats. Right-click to exit any stat screen.

Posted by Richard Townsend 2009-10-28

Initial project import into SourceForge

The current source has now been imported into SourceForge. Some file cleanup will follow, as will some outstanding feature implementations. Note that this import is at version 2.9; a decision will be made shortly to either continue the original versioning sequence or start fresh at a 1.0 release.

Posted by Richard Townsend 2008-03-08