
JavaAmp / News: Recent posts

JavaAmp 0.0.5 available

Today JavaAmp 0.0.5 was released. Some of the changes include a translation into English but you can translate JavaAmp in your language easily (INI-files). Additionally a preferences dialog was added. Settings are saved to a INI-file on exit and loaded on startup. I hope you enjoy this release and please report all bugs you notice. Feature requests are also welcome.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-04-11

JavaAmp 0.0.4 is out!

JavaAmp 0.0.4 was released today. Some of the new features compared to JavaAmp 0.0.3 are playing of Audio-CDs (but only CDA-files), a first implementation of the file information dialog and support for loading and saving playlist-files (M3U and PLS). Besides the JAR-archives in the installer have been packed using Pack200 which gives very high compression ratios. You need Unpack200 which is included in the JRE 1.5 to extract the GZ-archives. Please report any kind of bugs etc. you notice.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-28

One month on

Today JavaAmp is celebrating its first month online on Thank you guys of for hosting my project!

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-26

Installer available

For those who don't know how to install LWJGL and FMOD (but also for the lazy ones) I created an installer for Win32. But you still have to install Java 1.5 before. The installer can be found in the file releases section. Its name is "JavaAmp003Inst.exe".

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-14

Again announcing a new version: JavaAmp 0.0.3

Today JavaAmp 0.0.3 was released. Changes: few bugfixes, GUI enhancements, first simple visualization implemented, new build architecture (old didn't seem to work correctly). But you have to download all the stuff mentioned in Readme.txt.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-11

JavaAmp 0.0.2 released

Today JavaAmp 0.0.2 was released. A few bugs have been fixed and also a few small enhancements have been included.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-02-03

First pre-alpha version of JavaAmp released

Today the first pre-alpha version of JavaAmp was released. At the moment JavaAmp is capable of the most important features like adding files to the playlist and listening to them. In order to guarantee a fully working version of this product many other releases have to be made. Please be patient.
JavaAmp needs LWJGL and FMOD to run. Of course the newest Java Runtime (1.5) is also necessary.

Posted by Anonymous 2006-01-27