
#10 Correct Existing Javadoc

Nick Cross

Would it be possible (if it isn't already) to add a feature to correct existing javadoc. For example, if I have
"Foo does X Y and Z
@returns a new foo"
it would be good to keep the existing javadoc but correct the returns tag to return.


  • Martin Kesting

    Martin Kesting - 2014-06-15

    This would require some kind of mapping for JAutodoc, in order to know what should be corrected.

    But I think, if its a general typo in your code, it is easier to do a search and replace. If not, its easy to correct it manually.

    Can you agree to this?

  • Nick Cross

    Nick Cross - 2014-06-16

    I guess thats true re mapping. However under JDK 8, invalid tags (e.g. @myreturns ) will cause the javadoc to fail. Could we search the '@...' tags and if one is found that is not in the valid list :

    • Disable it (remove the '@' (and leave a comment? ) ? )
    • Remove it
    • etc?
  • Martin Kesting

    Martin Kesting - 2014-07-13
    • status: open --> closed
  • Martin Kesting

    Martin Kesting - 2014-07-13

    Sorry, but I won't implement this. I don't see a good solution in JAutodoc, that's better than a search and replace.

    I guess you already know this, but the best option for me would be to disable this "great" new feature in JDK 8


    when generating Javadoc. Here you can find more details.


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