Garima Yadav - 2017-05-12

Enlcosing sample code which works with javax.crypto api, but did not find any option to get the same result ( encryption key) with jasypt api. After analyzing the code, it seems that PBEKeySpec has been used with only option to set Password in constructor.
Can we get the support to use PBEKeySpec(char[] password, byte[] salt, int iterationCount, int keyLength) as well, so that we can generate fixed key after setting password, fixed salt, iteration count and key length.?

                       final PBEKeySpec pbeKeySpec = new PBEKeySpec(normalizedPassword);

Please confirm that currently there is no option to generate AES256 key using fixed salt and custom key length as 384.
We need this so that we can generate key which inter-operates with .Net generated AES 256 key.( )


Last edit: Garima Yadav 2017-05-12