

Kito Mann
  • Kito Mann

    Kito Mann - 2011-01-28

    Is there a release date planned for 1.0? I noticed the build is quite old, but
    there is some recent activity in the trunk.

    Also, what version(s) of JSF are currently supported?

    Kito D. Mann | twitter: kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
    Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE
    training and consulting - JavaServer Faces FAQ,
    news, and info | twitter: jsfcentral

    See you at JAX and JSF Summit 2010 June 20-23rd in San Jose:

  • Alonso Dominguez

    Hi Kito,

    There were many planned dates in the past for releasing the 1.0 version but
    all of them have been overdued. Currently there is no release date planned
    because I don't have enough time to dedicate to this project, I'm being very
    busy with my current job...

    The current build (beta-1.0-3) is old but project's trunk should be very
    stable (and very different from that previous build). I've done a lot of
    refactoring since previous versions because they didn't fit very well into JSF
    lifecycle. My last efforts were focused on developing a lot of tests, I would
    like to reach a 50% of test coverage before releasing the 1.0-RC (current
    trunk) and a 70-80% for 1.0 final release.

    Currently, the only version of JSF supported is 1.2. But someone created a new
    forum thread this week asking for information about how to setup the
    development environment because he/she was interested in porting it to JSF

    P.S.: I'm sorry about couldn't offer a final version yet, there is a lot of
    people interested in it and I opened a position for a competent JSF developer
    who may be interested in giving a hand. Also I have future plans to this
    project (like supporting other reporting engines) but in this times it's being
    very difficult to obtain time for them without investment...

  • Kito Mann

    Kito Mann - 2011-03-03


    Thanks for the reply!

    Kito D. Mann | twitter: kito99 | Author, JSF in Action
    Virtua, Inc. | | JSF/Java EE
    training and consulting - JavaServer Faces FAQ,
    news, and info | twitter: jsfcentral

    See you at JAX and JSF Summit 2010 June 20-23rd in San Jose:


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