
Java Application Framework For All / News: Recent posts

Jaffa v2.1.0 Released

After 6 months of development, Jaffa v2.1 is a not only a maintenance release, but also introduces many new features.

In conjunction with this release new versions of the sub-projects (JaffaBaseline, JaffaComponents and Example1) have been updated to make use of these new features.

The full details of what has been added since v2.0 are available in the release notes, but the most notable ones are ... read more

Posted by PaulE 2004-07-23

Jaffa v2.0.0 Released and More...

The new version of Jaffa is now available (see for more details). Along with this release is the first versions of the Jaffa baseline project for quick starting a project. We hve also released the first version of the Jaffa Components and an Example application showing how simple yet powerful Jaffa can be when staring a new project.
Check out the web site for the Demos and the new Install and Reference Guides.

Posted by PaulE 2004-01-31

Jaffa v1.3.0 Released

Welcome to JAFFA - Java Application Framework For All

This release is a maintenance release primarily focused on Struts 1.1 compatibility, but it also includes all the smaller feature requests and bug fixes over the last few months.

The next planned release is V2.0, focused on a new set of component patterns.

Highlights of New Features in Version 1.3

- We now support Struts 1.1 and Tiles within the Presentation Layer, and can support widgets being nested across multiple tiles
- We have new Ant Tasks to support the fragment merging, making the build scripts much simpler
- We've added additional connection pool support. - We support access via the original DbConnectionBroker, or the Jakarta Commons DBCP package, as well as supporting JNDI DataSources from within the web container. In addition to this the persistence engine config file now has a DTD which is validated against.
- We now fully support the 'BOOLEAN' datatype. It now supports different packing styles, viz. BOOLEAN_BIT, BOOLEAN_TF, BOOLEAN_YN, BOOLEAN_10
- We've added some new utilities:- SettingsBase for business rules and EmailHelper for sending Excel Attachments
- We've added support for database generated key in the persistence layer
- Modified the Tomcat encryption Realm to support DataSources and connection pooling

Posted by PaulE 2003-10-21

Jaffa v1.2.0 Released

This new version of Jaffa now uses all the latest versions of its dependant projects. If provided a complete Java development stack, extending Struts at the front end with MVC based web widgets, all the way through to a high performance light weight O/R mapper, with plenty of rich features in between.

In addition to the runtime framework, there is a suite of component templates and other tools for rapid application development, including a TogetherSoft plug in for UML intergration

Posted by PaulE 2003-07-25

Web Site Updated

We have updated the web site ( with the current project news and status.

In a nutshell were working on v1.2, we've started a sample app in the CVS repository, we also added some improved documentation for the widgets.


Paul Extance
Jaffa Project Lead

Posted by PaulE 2003-02-28

New 'How To' Documentation

The web site has now been updates with volumes of new documentation for Jaffa. This is in preperation for the next release v1.1 due in September. To see this go to

Posted by PaulE 2002-08-01

New Home Page

We have finially got the first version of the Jaffa site up....

Were working away at the documentation for this site.

We hope to have the first production release of the JAFFA project available in the comming weeks...

Posted by PaulE 2002-05-04