

Alexander Pokahr

Jadex is a Belief Desire Intention (BDI) reasoning engine that allows for programming intelligent software agents in XML and Java. The resoning engine is very flexible and can be used on-top of different middleware infrastructures such as JADE.

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BlackJack Example Application
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Jadex Control Center - Introspector Perspective
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Puzzle Example Application
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HunterPrey Example Application
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Jadex Control Center - Starter Perspective
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Jadex Control Center - Tracer Perspective

Project Members:


  • hadji41

    hadji41 - 2014-02-12

    Hi ,
    I have a problem with the installation JADEX in ECLIPSE KELPER
    Ask how to set up AGENT BDI
    And how communication between AGENT BDI
    -------------Thank you for your attention and see Thread ----------------------
    ------------- Thank you for helping my brother ----------------------

  • Lars Braubach

    Lars Braubach - 2014-02-13


    please use the jadex help forum to ask support questions.
    The installation is described here:


  • Sandra

    Sandra - 2017-03-01

    I am creating an active component application using jadex and i face a problem when i try to declare a MicroAgent field in my component. It says MicroAgent could not be resolved to a type. I have tried to import several jadex.micro libraries but it is still not working.

    I would really appreciate your help

  • Lars Braubach

    Lars Braubach - 2017-03-07

    Hi Sandra,

    sorry for the delay. In newer Jadex version you don't use the MicroAgent type for field injection but the more general IInternalAccess. You can access the pojo agent class via IPojoComponentFeature.



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