
Port to Linux using Wine

  • Ian

    Ian - 2006-11-10

    Any chance of compiling JACOB against the Wine libraries ( so Java code running on a native Linux JVM (not Windows) can interface with COM components running on top of Wine?

    • Ian

      Ian - 2006-11-10

      Some additional information:

      I've been thinking for a while of how it would be possible to run bridge Java to COM components running on WINE, without running the Windows JVM on WINE.

      I then came across WINELIB ( on the WINE website and thought it may be possible to port JACOB to Windows in this way.

      Any ideas anyone?

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-11-10

        I think it's a neat idea, although I can understand why it would not be an important focus of the project.

        Java is the cross-platform standard for applications, so it's about time someone brought it up, however, take Microsoft Word for example... OpenOffice and the UNO server are a much more supported (although not as prevalent) in a Linux environment, and Java has access to that, so many applications would be better to interface with a Linux equivelant...

        I'm curious how possible the wine integration is... I've considered this for my application.


    • Ian

      Ian - 2006-11-13

      I'm all for it!  Long live FOSS!

      My take is that COM will be around for a while [think COBOL, etc.], since a lot of applications that are still useful, as well as critical, were written for and only run on Windows, and allow API programming via COM only (normally via Dispatch interfaces).

      When I started using WINE, I figured COM scripting (ActiveX - like VBScript, JScript, etc.) would not be possible, but, to my amazement, it actually is!

      That led me to thinking about integrating Java and COM on Linux using JACOB + WINE.

      Perhaps someone will come up with an even better way of doing it.

      My goal, regardless of the final solution, is to someday not have to rely on Windows at all.  Whether that's possible, who knows!?  But Linux is gaining ground - FAST!

    • Ian

      Ian - 2006-11-13

      I've actually tried compiling JACOB from source (the JNI C++ code) against WINELIB.

      Had some difficulties though.

      I'm no C++ expert [I did it in college and that's about as far as my skills go.  Besides that, I've done some DLLs for calling from a VB6 app.]

      What I can tell though is that there are a lot of headers that JACOB uses/references which are not covered by WINELIB.  For example, comdef.h, comutil.h, etc.

      I tried my hand at Anjuta, which seems to be quite nice, but I got many errors and eventually gave up.

      Anyone got any ideas?  My gut tells me this must be possible - technically speaking - unless there's something I'm missing.


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