
Applet or JWS

S Renani
  • S Renani

    S Renani - 2011-01-20


    Trying to figure out if JACOB can be used in web context. I need to create a subsriber that through web recognizes events generated by an in-house desktop client. I.e. I need to register an object in the running object table using RegisterActiveObject.

    I'm thinking that the sandbox will not allow such interaction.

    Any input on this subject will be appreciated.

    Best regards,
    Siavash Renani

  • Ken Slaughter

    Ken Slaughter - 2011-02-05

    You can use JNLP and by signing your jars.

  • clay_shooter

    clay_shooter - 2011-10-01

    There is a patch in the Feature Request section 3137337 that shows how to do this.


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