
#184 Patch for Patch: Win 64bit JRE Launcher

Next full release

Was a little overeager with my previous patch. The other one would not recognize a 32bit Java on a 64bit Windows.
added additional "IfErrors 0 JreFound" after 32bit Registry search to goto sucess case if JRE was found.
This version will choose 32bit over 64bit if both are installed.


  • Gloaming

    Gloaming - 2012-07-09

    Patch for previous patched launcher.nsi

  • Morten Omholt Alver

    Thank you for this patch! Have I understood it correctly, that the effect of this patch is to ensure that a 64 bit JRE is detected, while preferring a 32 bit JRE if both are installed?

    The latter effect may be very useful for the OpenOffice/LibreOffice functionality, since these come only in 32 bit versions, and we can only connect while running on a 32 bit JVM.

  • Gloaming

    Gloaming - 2012-08-28

    Yes, it checks the in this order
    1 - in .\jre directory (JRE Installed with application)
    2 - in JAVA_HOME environment variable
    3 - in the (32bit) registry
    4 - in the 64bit registry for 64bit JavaRE
    And uses the first one it can find.

  • Oliver Kopp

    Oliver Kopp - 2012-11-17
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Morten Omholt Alver
    • milestone: --> Next release
  • Morten Omholt Alver

    • status: pending --> closed

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