
#920 Docbook export missing <bibliography> and writes <lastname>

next release
Jim Barritt


I just tried the dock book export and it works fine except it seems to miss out the opening <bibliography> tag, it puts the closing one in.

Also it seems to output <lastname> when docbook expects <surname> in the author field.




  • Harald Albrecht

    Harald Albrecht - 2010-12-31

    I've also tried DocBook export from JabRef 2.6: it is totally broken. The "xml" generated does not nearly validate, especially when using DocBook 5.

    I can offer some help as I have a commercial authoring tool at hand, which does quite decent validation using the official DocBook 5 RelaxNG schema.

    However, it seems that there is some work required on the side of JabRef coding, as there are several problems, such as generating empty author and editor lists, which are not allowed. Also, many fields are missing from export, albeit there is decent DocBook 5 support for them. xmk:id generation is also a problem, as JabRef does not enforce valid ids. An automatic correction would be fine. Then, JabRef creates superfluous reference attributes which are in violation of the DocBook 5 schema.

  • Jim Barritt

    Jim Barritt - 2011-01-01

    I'm pretty maxed out right now but would be quite interested in contributing to a patch next year sometime....

  • Igor

    Igor - 2014-07-01
    • labels: Export --> Export, Easy
    • Group: --> next release

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