
#67 Main window

Interface (24)

In Windows the window jumps down for approx 30px (I assume it\'s gonna be the height of the drag&drop cursor) when grabbing the window and starting to move the mouse.


  • Ivan Čukić

    Ivan Čukić - 2010-05-23

    It is not the height of the cursor - it seems windows handles the position a bit buggy - when getting the position, it gives the correct top-left coordinate, but when setting it, it adds the decoration (that we're not showing).

    Can you check whether it jumps for the same amount of pixels on multiple different windows systems (with different themes and caption-bar sizes) - if yes, we can introduce a small hack, if not, i haven't got a clue what can we do.

  • Andrea Bodrati

    Andrea Bodrati - 2010-05-23

    Tested it on 3 different windows systems and it was 16px but all screens resolutions were almost the same. I guess 16px will do the trick.

  • Ivan Čukić

    Ivan Čukić - 2010-05-26

    Can you check this now?

  • Andrea Bodrati

    Andrea Bodrati - 2010-05-26

    Made a clean build but still not working.

  • Ivan Čukić

    Ivan Čukić - 2010-05-26

    Can you check whether the same thing happens with the options window?

  • Andrea Bodrati

    Andrea Bodrati - 2010-05-26

    Yes exactly the same problem

  • Ivan Čukić

    Ivan Čukić - 2010-05-26

    Please try again

  • Andrea Bodrati

    Andrea Bodrati - 2010-05-26

    Works now!

  • Andrea Bodrati

    Andrea Bodrati - 2010-05-26
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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