
1.4 Beta 9 released

Add a manifest property for the extensions declaring that the Layers Width and Height parameters specified in XML Definition Files are defined in pixels rather than in 100th of millimeters (as specified by the ARINC 661 standard). it is possible to use the current screen resolution for the actual Width and Heigh conversion or to define a specific screen density to perform this conversion. Note that this parameter is separated from the actual screen density used to rendeer the Definition Files on screen.This parameter will be used for both opening and saving XML Definition Files. The name of the property is "LayerSizeAsPixels". The "true" value specifies the use of the screen density for the parameter, a float value this specified value.
Add matching attributes in the conversion Rules files allowing to convert an XML Definition File using a specified screen density for the Layers Width and Heigh definition. These attributes are "layersSizeInPixels" and "layersSizeDensity".
Add a "powerOfTwo" attribute for widget attributes definitions in the widgets meta-definition (used for double arrays of elements), specifying that the size of these arrays must be computed for each pair of elements rather than for every element. The default value is true.
Fix an exception which could be thrown in the Editor in JavaFX in some cases when performing cut and paste actions
Add an Editor setting allowing to show for unsized containers the overall bounding box of the widgets children
Add an Editor toggle allowing to show only the currently selected widget in the Editor
Fix the selected Layer in the Editor being modified when converting it to another format (using the "Convert" option)
Add two new Unit Tests categories for tests which fail intermitently of constantly while the associated function does work correctly

Posted by Hervé Girod 2015-10-11

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