sp29 - 2016-04-22

Hello all,

I started playing initially with the jamod library and enjoyed it for giving computers the ability to speak modbus with other devices. At this moment, I have the Master routine updating a remote PLC Slave device reliably.

My question is reading and writing to the Slave routine. With the demo routine I am able to use ModScan32 to write values to the coils and holding registers. However, the SimpleProcessImage allows only one register location to be modified via Master device. I would like to open up multiple registers. For example Holding Registers 1-10.

I read in an earlier post where a reference was made to creating several empty registers to push the current register out. Would that shift the modifiable register to a different location ie HREG 1 to HREG 3? I would appreciate any insight. I referenced jamod earlier, but I have j2mod up and running as well.

Thank you,