
#944 VHDL enum type declaration generates syntax errors

VHDL (5)

The type declaration t generates the following error:

type.vhd:4: syntax error
type.vhd:4: error: Invalid module instantiation

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity e is
  port (
    clk : in  std_logic;
    rst : in  std_logic;
    q   : out std_logic);
end e;

architecture a of e is

  type t is (one, zero);

  signal r : std_logic;


   q <= r;

     if rising_edge(clk) then
       if rst = '1' then
         r <= '0';
         r <= not r;
       end if;
     end if;
   end process;
end a;


Bugs: #944


  • Martin Whitaker

    Martin Whitaker - 2013-12-09

    The problem here is that Icarus Verilog handles VHDL files by running a pre-processor that converts them to Verilog before running the main Verilog compiler. However, in many cases it will use SystemVerilog constructs to represent the VHDL behaviour. To get the compiler to accept SystemVerilog constructs, you need to add the appropriate "generation" option, e.g.

    iverilog -g2009 test.vhd

    It could be argued that the compiler driver should automatically add this option when compiling VHDL files, but this could lead to problems if someone wants to do mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation. I'll wait to see if the other Icarus developers have an opinion on this.

    • Stephen Williams

      I think I was (and maybe still am) thinking that the the
      `begin_keywords directive is the right way to handle this, but
      that is not yet implemented in the core compiler. I'm thinking
      that, because outside the VHDL code, the user should be able to
      stick with whatever version of Verilog they want, and not be
      compelled to deal with SystemVerilog just because some VHDL is
      being mixed in.

      A proper implementation of begin_keywords/end_keywords would
      make this problem really easy to solve. That's my thinking.

      On 12/09/2013 12:25 PM, Martin Whitaker wrote:

      The problem here is that Icarus Verilog handles VHDL files by running a
      pre-processor that converts them to Verilog before running the main
      Verilog compiler. However, in many cases it will use SystemVerilog
      constructs to represent the VHDL behaviour. To get the compiler to
      accept SystemVerilog constructs, you need to add the appropriate
      "generation" option, e.g.

      iverilog -g2009 test.vhd

      It could be argued that the compiler driver should automatically add
      this option when compiling VHDL files, but this could lead to problems
      if someone wants to do mixed VHDL/Verilog simulation. I'll wait to see
      if the other Icarus developers have an opinion on this.

      Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
      steve at But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep."

      • Cary R.

        Cary R. - 2013-12-12

        I'm not certain begin_keywords will work since it only allows you to switch to older keyword versions and it does not change the actual functionality. I believe begin_keywords is currently handled correctly, though it may need to be updated to handle 1800-2012. I agree only the VHDL parsing should require the SystemVerilog flag. Maybe we can add a warning that a SystemVerilog flag is required until we figure out how to dynamically switch this in the compiler.

        • Stephen Williams

          A great deal of SV functionality is triggered by keywords, and all
          the stuff that is non-keyword different is forward compatible. But
          point is taken, and we can easily add an Icarus Verilog specific
          directive like begin_generation/end_generation that does more
          precisely what we are after. It is 100% OK for vhdlpp to be aware
          of Icarus Verilog specific stuff. It will eventually need that in
          order to do some stuff I haven't got to yet, too.

          On 12/11/2013 07:56 PM, Cary R. wrote:

          I'm not certain begin_keywords will work since it only allows you to
          switch to older keyword versions and it does not change the actual
          functionality. I believe begin_keywords is currently handled correctly,
          though it may need to be updated to handle 1800-2012. I agree only the
          VHDL parsing should require the SystemVerilog flag. Maybe we can add a
          warning that a SystemVerilog flag is required until we figure out how to
          dynamically switch this in the compiler.

          [bugs:#944] VHDL enum
          type declaration generates syntax errors

          Status: open
          Labels: VHDL
          Created: Mon Dec 09, 2013 03:14 PM UTC by Olof Kindgren
          Last Updated: Mon Dec 09, 2013 10:31 PM UTC
          Owner: nobody

          The type declaration t generates the following error:

          type.vhd:4: syntax error
          type.vhd:4: error: Invalid module instantiation

          library ieee;
          use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

          entity e is
          port (
          clk : in std_logic;
          rst : in std_logic;
          q : out std_logic);
          end e;

          architecture a of e is

          type t is (one, zero);

          signal r : std_logic;


          q <= r;

          if rising_edge(clk) then
          if rst = '1' then
          r <= '0';
          r <= not r;
          end if;
          end if;
          end process;
          end a;

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          Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
          steve at But I have promises to keep,
 and lines to code before I sleep,
 And lines to code before I sleep."



          Bugs: #944

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2013-12-09

    I will defer to Steve regarding adding -g2009 when parsing VHDL files, but as a minimum we should report the flag is/may be needed. Also note that some patches Steve submitted over the weekend broke VHDL enumerations for some (all?) cases.

  • Olof Kindgren

    Olof Kindgren - 2013-12-09

    Yep. You're both right. Running against git head from sometime late last week works fine with -g2009, but with today's head I'm getting

    enum.vhd:18: error: Signal/variable one not found in this context.
    enum.vhd:18: error: Signal/variable one not found in this context.
    enum.vhd:5: error: Duplicate enumeration name one
    enum.vhd:5: error: Duplicate enumeration name zero
    • Stephen Williams

      Yes, I broke it. Or rather, it was broken and I managed to make
      its inner broken-ness manifest. The problem is that the vhdlpp
      step is generating intermediate SystemVerilog code that includes
      duplicate definitions of the enumeration that the type uses.
      The generated code should make better use of internal typedefs.

      On 12/09/2013 02:31 PM, Olof Kindgren wrote:

      Yep. You're both right. Running against git head from sometime late last
      week works fine with -g2009, but with today's head I'm getting
      enum.vhd:18: error: Signal/variable one not found in this context.
      enum.vhd:18: error: Signal/variable one not found in this context.
      enum.vhd:5: error: Duplicate enumeration name one
      enum.vhd:5: error: Duplicate enumeration name zero

      Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
      steve at But I have promises to keep, and lines to code before I sleep, And lines to code before I sleep."

  • Olof Kindgren

    Olof Kindgren - 2015-03-27

    This appears to be fixed now in the master branch

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2015-04-01
    • status: open --> closed
  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2015-04-01

    A test for this problem has been added to the test suite.

  • Cary R.

    Cary R. - 2015-04-01
    • status: closed --> closed-fixed

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