
compiling on MacOS X

  • ripplon

    ripplon - 2004-09-06

    # How to compile IVCON under MacOS X

    c++ -c -arch ppc -fno-common -O0 -mdynamic-no-pic -g -o ivcon.o
    c++ ivcon.o -lm -lstdc++ -o ivcon
    rm ivcon.o

    • Viktor Rasmussen

      Hey, nice to see a message on the forum.

      Your instructions for compiling ivcon works for another (older?) version, where everything is in one file. Not the code available here.

      Maybe the project admin, goulu, can tell why there are two versions of the code


      • ripplon

        ripplon - 2004-09-06

        I downloaded from but then after I spent some time to get it compiled via the command line I thought I would post the solution somewhere public and came across IVCON in SourceForge.  I just assumed that SourceForge was where current development was happening, but Burkardt's version seems newer.  The comments in the code I downloaded gave the last modification as 19 January 2004.

    • ripplon

      ripplon - 2004-09-07

      The SourceForge version can be compiled easily using the following commands:

      cc -c *.cpp
      cc *.o -lm -lstdc++ -o ivcon
      rm *.o

      I have tested the SourceForge ivcon by converting an OBJ file to an STL file.


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