Andreas Jantz - 2024-01-02

I have now created 2 fresh iTop setups, one on Ubuntu 22.04 and one on Debian 12.

Setup Ubuntu 22.04:

iTop 3.1.0-2

php version 8.1.2


Setup Debian 12:

iTop 3.1.0-2

php version 7.4.33


On the Ubuntu setup I have installed successfully several extensions through iTopHub, but the most essential for me does not install:

Data collector for IP addresses 3.1.2

The installation process through ITopHub runs smooth, but an the end first I get a "success" message:



There is no error message, or any hint how to overcome this problem. This is a showstopper using iTOP as IP address discovery is essential for me.

Is there any alternative way how to perform ongoing network scans without this extension?

Best regards for any help.


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