Keyner EM - 2024-07-05

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.
I have a collector that connects to the active directory (Active Directory Users and Computers) and I can get the attributes of the users that are created in the folder called “Users”.
Everything is fine with the synchronization parameters to carry values ​​from the Active Directory User object, with the fields of the Person class in iTop.
My concern is the following, in the information of the DA Person Object, I have a tab called “Member of”, this has values ​​of the groups to which said person belongs, but these groups are found in a different folder than “Users”. ”, is located in the “Groups” -> “Navigation” folder.
How can I synchronize the groups that begin with the word “Nav_” in the person class?

I thank you in advance for your attention and collaboration.


Last edit: Keyner EM 2024-07-05