Pablo Sánchez - 2014-08-12

Hi, i have the next organization tree:

  • Org_Europe
    • Org_Madrid
    • Org_Lisbon
    • Org_Paris

Org_Madrid, Org_Lisbon and Org_Paris are included in Org_Europe. The change manager is in Org_Europe but it needs to do changes and being the change caller in Org_Madrid, Org_Lisbon and Org_Paris.

Now, he can do changes in Org_Madrid, Org_Lisbon and Org_Paris, but he can't be the change caller to that changes because its user are in Org_Europe.

How can I do that the change manager be the change caller in all organizations?
Thanks a lot.
Best regards.


Last edit: Pablo Sánchez 2014-08-12