
Overview of Customizing

  • Dave Geller

    Dave Geller - 2011-05-11

    Greetings community,

    I am installed and customized the site for my city.  Now I am looking to customize the agencies and am trying to figure out how to add projects etc to the system. 

    I looked through the documentation however it is not obvious to me how to accomplish these tasks.  Does anyone have some pointers?


    • Dave Geller

    Business Analyst
    The Innovation Office - Dept. of Technology
    City & County of San Francisco

  • Dave Geller

    Dave Geller - 2011-05-12

    Thanks Jose,

    I will review and let the community know how it goes for me.

    • Dave Geller

    Business Analyst
    The Innovation Office - Dept. of Technology
    City & County of San Francisco

  • Jose Mendez

    Jose Mendez - 2011-05-12

    In addition, if you want to create a new agency (ex. Department of Land), you can add an entry in the tbl_ref_agency table of the app database and assign an agency code (ex. 400). Also note that the agency code is validated by the schemas mentioned in the previous post.

    You may also add bureaus in the tbl_ref_bureaus table. Afterward, assign a user from the user_agency table to the new agency code (in this case, agency=400).

    Let us know how it goes and if you encounter any issues along the way.


  • Dave Geller

    Dave Geller - 2011-05-12

    I tried adding our agencies "Departments with our codes" - two digit number codes we use in the city - to the tbl_ref_agency but  see nothing…actually I am not sure if an install with a blank database is working correctly.  I don't see any agencies under the Portfolio (top tab) then Agencies (bottom tab) even though I see some defaults in the DB.


    • Dave Geller

    Business Analyst
    The Innovation Office - Dept. of Technology
    City & County of San Francisco

  • Jose Mendez

    Jose Mendez - 2011-05-12

    When you say you see nothing, do you mean you can't see the agency you added in the database or on the portfolio page's list of agencies? If it is the latter, then the reason is that the agency will only show on the portfolio after the XMLs have been uploaded to add investments for that agency. Since the blank DB does not have investment data populated, even the default 5 agencies will not appear in the portfolio.

    Keep in mind that agency codes are expected to be 3 digit. The current implementation of the code does not support shorter or longer codes due to multiple checks throughout the application for these 3 digits. If you add a 3 digit agency code that is not part of the list of agency codes in the schema, then the XMLs will be rejected. These codes can be found in the schema file E53-facet.xsd as "AgencyCodeSimpleType".

    If you would like to try adding an agency that is not part of the default agencies but is currently part of the schema, you can try adding agency code 006. MAKE SURE viewCode is set to "S", which indicates that it is a major agency. You would then need to replace the AgencyCode and the first 3 digits of the UPI (which appear multiple times) in the Exhibit 53 and Exhibit 300 sample XML files to 006. After preparing the XMLs and assigning the user to this agency, you can follow the steps in the "Uploading Data…" document for the agency you created.


  • Surinder

    Surinder - 2011-08-09

    Can new agency codes be added in the Schema E53-facet.xsd ?

  • Jose Mendez

    Jose Mendez - 2011-08-09

    New agency codes can be added to the schema as long as they are 3 digits. If you wish to use a different length agency code, many portions of the application will require code changes as a result.



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