
#9 Error when compiling/installing on Linux

bagus tris

$ make
Compiling SeparationEngine.cpp
In file included from ../../src/../JuceLibraryCode/JuceHeader.h:17:0,
from ../../src/JuceHeader.h:21,
from ../../src/SeparationEngine.h:23,
from ../../src/SeparationEngine.cpp:18:
../../src/../JuceLibraryCode/modules/juce_audio_basics/juce_audio_basics.h:4:76: fatal error: ../../../sdks/juce/modules/juce_audio_basics/juce_audio_basics.h: No such file or directory
#include "../../../sdks/juce/modules/juce_audio_basics/juce_audio_basics.h"
compilation terminated.


  • Peter

    Peter - 2014-08-11

    I have the same issue on Ubuntu 14.04. Fix for this is really needed. Is there any simple way how to solve this problem by myself?

  • infoised

    infoised - 2015-08-23

    Don't forget
    git submodule init
    git submodule refresh

    If you forget this, the subdirectories such as sdks are empty and build fails.

  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2015-09-28

    Hi, there!

    In case you're interested, I just tried to compile ISSE under Ubuntu 14.04, here's what I had to do:

    1) start off with Linux developer page of isse project, and download what they say:

    You can also put Eigen and Juce manually into respective folders inside ../isse-code/sdks/

    2) then you have to edit several files:

    comment out the line

    #include "effects/juce_FFT.h"

    in ../isse-code/sdks/juce/modules/juce_audio_basics/juce_audio_basics.h
    and ../isse-code/sdks/juce/modules/juce_audio_basics/juce_audio_basics.cpp

    This will remove the name conflict between FFT class of ISSE and Juce

    add a semicolon after command jassertfalse in line 305 of file

    3) compile as recommended in developer's wiki


    Last edit: kotowvr 2015-09-28
  • Peter

    Peter - 2015-10-04

    Thanks. I tried to follow your instructions, but I couldn't find #include "effects/juce_FFT.h" in any of those files, so I skipped this step. And it compiles.

    But I can't open any sound file.

    Failed to open file...
    There was an error while trying to load the file:
    /home/peter/tmp/isse-code/builds/Linux/** (zenity:14395): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-fBnCCJBAI: Connection refused
    Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
    /home/peter/Music/some folder name/01 - trackname.mp3
    The file doesn't exist.
  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2015-10-04

    Actually, my instructions are only relevant when you do things manually. If you plainly follow developer's instructions (, that is downloading all the stuff with git etc, the compilation should work flawlessly without editing anything.

    The problem in your case is that you're trying to load an .mp3 into ISSE, while it works only with .wav (the rest of the messages is just some gtk-related noise).


    Last edit: kotowvr 2015-10-04
  • Peter

    Peter - 2015-10-04

    Yes, compilation works without editing.

    Problem with opening file is not caused by .mp3. I have also tried .wav. But I guess that original problem in this thread is solved.

  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2015-10-04

    Ok, it's getting interesting :)
    First of all, I don't know how you do it, but to import a .wav file to ISSE you need to choose File>New (File>Open is used for loading ISSE sessions).
    Interestingly, after choosing a wav file the version of ISSE compiled through developer's instructions hangs for ever on my computer.
    However, if use my version (the one compiled after some tweaks in the files) all works nicely. I have uploaded this version to the attachments, and if you're not afraid to run a binary from a complete stranger, then you can try it out... And your PC has to be 64 bit, I guess.
    Good luck!


    Last edit: kotowvr 2015-10-04
  • Peter

    Peter - 2015-10-04

    I forgot to use new instead open. Now it freezes as you say. Your version is working. What changes have you made? (If it is something simple.)

  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2015-10-04

    What I did to get this version is that I checked out ISSE git repository:
    git clone isse-code
    Then I manually downloaded source code for juce and eigen:
    and put their contents into respective folders in ../isse-code/sdks
    Then I modified the source code as described above, and everything compiled and worked.
    Good luck!

  • Bryan Hutchison

    Bryan Hutchison - 2017-08-03

    I'm also trying to compile a working version of the program, with some troubles. I am able to compile without errors, but when the program luanches, it crashes on opening or creating any new file. I'd like to know, kotowvr, which specific version of JUCE did you download? I've tried versions 3.1.1, 3.2.0, and a few others.

    I also get the following error when opening the program:
    JUCE Assertion failure in juce_Slider.cpp:467

    Any pointers greatly appreciated, I'm looking forward to making good use of this program!

  • kotowvr

    kotowvr - 2017-08-03

    Hi, Bryan! This has been a while ago, I have successfully used Juce 3.2.0 and some other version, that I can't identify right now. If you don't want to mess around with compilation, just download the binary from my message above.
    Good luck!


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