
#114 Need to display full SQLException chain

General (45)

When displaying a SQLException iSQL-Viewer should
follow the chain of exceptions via
SQLException.getNextException to display all the
related exceptions.

Trying to connect to an Apache Derby database can
result in an SQLException where the usful information
is in one of the chained exceptions. ALl that is seen
by iSQL is something like

[09:28:34] Service connection failed to initialize
(SQLException occured whille attempt to make a
connection to
URL[jdbc:derby:/work/is.test;create=true]... nested
exception (Failed to start database '/work/is.test',
see the next exception for details.))


  • Markus A. Kobold

    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Markus A. Kobold

    Logged In: YES

    I do belive i have support for SQLException chains, there
    might be a bug in teh defaults, If you could check the JDBC
    preferences in the Preferences Editor. (* it is underneath
    servicemanger dbl-click to see the section *)

    Try setting it a value just do something like clear the text
    area, and re-enter the default value, which if i recall is
    10. I will still look into why you are not seeing the
    chains, but i know i support them, and the code where i
    handle it is in the
    org.isqlviewer.util.BasicUtilities#handleException method.

    Thanks for the input.

  • Dan Debrunner

    Dan Debrunner - 2004-12-08

    Logged In: YES

    I did see that iSQL-Viewer did follow the exception chain
    elsewhere, I think for an error when running a query. But in
    this case it was trying to open a connection (Service).


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