
ISO RELAX / News: Recent posts

New version available

I just posted a new release of the ISO RELAX jar.
The only change from the previous release was
the removal of now obsoleted Swift verifier code.

Posted by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 2004-11-11

New version available

This version includes the following changes:

1. ant task that performs validation
2. new overroaded VerifierFactory.newInstance method
that takes a ClassLoader as a parameter
3. adapter class that wraps JARV into JAXP

Posted by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 2003-01-30

New version with a lisence file

I posted a new version with a proper license document. No other significant change that I'm aware of.

Posted by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 2002-07-07

New version available

contracts of some methods were changed to throw
exceptions rather than to return null.

Posted by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 2001-08-30

A new version available

A slightly updated version is now available.
This version incorporates changes made by Asami-san, and it should be backward-compatible.

Posted by Kohsuke Kawaguchi 2001-08-02