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It would also be nice if, not only was the correct screenlock
password documented (it's NOT 123, sorry) but also a way to
change it was documented.

Also, it would be very, very nice if the installer would ask the
user what directory to put the files in.

I agree with the other posters that it would improve the
program to have it a) prompt when it encounters a
connection attempt that is not covered in its existing rules
and b) a way to import/export rules.

Other than that, this is a wonderful program! I actually like it
*better* than Norton because it's easier for me to see what's
going on in my computer (it's excellent for making
RealPlayer and Windows Media Player less spywar-ish than
they normally are). However I'm a geek. If you add the
features I and the other requesters have suggested, you
have the potential for a broad appeal to non-geeks as well!
Great work, I think I speak for everyone when I say I'm
grateful to you.