

Yuriy Grynevych Foaly

The Irrlicht Lime is a .NET wrapper for the Irrlicht Engine. It wraps most of API available in native library, easily allowing you to use 2D/3D graphics in your app, written in C#, VB.NET or other .NET language.

Currently Lime is being develop under Visual Studio 2010 with .NET Framework 4.0. It includes bunch of examples and IntelliSense documentation.

Lime is not a distinct "engine", it is a wrapper with almost the same architecture witch native Irrlicht Engine has. You do not need to download/compile Irrlicht Engine, wrapper already has it and ready to be used straight from the box.

Tutorial: Setup A New Project using IrrlichtLime for x86 and x64 in Visual Studio 2015 (Exteral blog of f-o-a-l-y)

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L01.TexturePainting example
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L06.AnalogueClock example
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L02.WinFormsWindow example
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L07.FastStaticRendering example
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L04.ParticleEmitterViewer example
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L03.RGBSwirl example

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