
Pastiche ircd / News: Recent posts

Moving to GitHub

I know that I have not posted any changes in awhile. I have worked on this project on an off for the past few years just nothing worth pushing to the repository. Please join me on GitHub.

Posted by Paul Franz 2020-04-01

Added ability to load settings for configuration files

The IRCD server will now read the config.xml (use to be commands.xml but I changed it due to some of the settings that I put in there) and the server.xml file.

This will allow users to use the IRCD without having to re-compile it.

Due to this change you will need to either be using 1.4.x of the JRE or add the JAXP jar files in the CLASSPATH.

When I get the next release is posted startup scripts and a jar file that uses downloadable extensions (i.e. use Class-Path in the Manifest header) so that it will not need to be added to the classpath.

Posted by Paul Franz 2003-09-25

Source Code Added to CVS

I have added the source code to the CVS repository for this project. I do not plan on releasing a new version of the server until certain things can get done. Like configuring the server WITHOUT changing the source code. I plan on using an XML-based configuration file for this.

Posted by Paul Franz 2003-05-29

Take Over

I have been added as an admin/developer to this project. Because I think this project shows much promise. Due to its Java roots and the way the initial project was implemented I see a great many possibilities for this project. Especially, in the way of customizing the server without having to use Bots like other IRC servers need to do. Also, because the server is multi-threaded it can handle a variety of client connections better.

Posted by Paul Franz 2003-05-29


I haven't done much development on the ircd in the last month. This is because I hit a wall, motivation-wise and went off to do other things (including writing a Servlet/JSP inplementation of Wiki, and spending a lot more time in the pub drinking beer). This isn't to say I've abandoned everything - I'm still writing code in my head I just haven't been bothered transforming those thoughts into electrons-on-silicon yet.

Posted by Charles Miller 2001-05-02

Version 0.15 - Source problems fixed.


If anyone's actually downloaded the source before now, I'd like to apologise. I've been editing it with an unpatched version of VisualAge, which has been leaving the source in a much-less-than-ideal state. The source should be far less messy now, although you might want to run it through indent if you want to read it - my indenting is designed to make it look good in the IDE, not necessarily in a text editor.... read more

Posted by Charles Miller 2001-03-10

Version 0.5 Posted

Version 0.5 does not mean "half of version 1.0". This first release is basically an overview of the structure of the command-parsing system. Some of the basic architecture is in place - I might add some UML diagrams to the release if I get the time. If you run the "Ircd" class, it'll open a port on 6667, and you can fool an IRC client into thinking its connected.

Posted by Charles Miller 2001-01-04