
0.1.1 released

Though there is still not much functionality and though something else was planned, ircServe has been released in its first version: 0.1.1 (0.1 beta 1).

ircServe is provided as an executable jar and as source files. Both are available in three packaging formats: zip, tar/gz, and tar/bz2. You only need one of the files to use ircServe. You will need to install Java2SE "Runtime Environment" or "Development Kit" to run the jar, and you will need Java2SE "Development Kit" to compile and run the source code.

If you download the jar, you will have there is unfortunately still no README file. However, what you need to do is to edit the ircsServe.conf file that follows along with the jar (instructions is in the file), and then run one of the two executable .bat files (they work both on Windows and Linux, though they may need to be made executable under Linux first)

If you download the source files you can see how to run IrcServe in the README file that follows.

Posted by Thomas Pryds 2003-01-18

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