jiangyong263 - 2004-11-23

Logged In: YES

iptableslog: iptables_logger_v0.4.tar.gz
OS: redhat Fedora Core 2

1:Creation of the database
grant select right to a user used by the php interface:

mysql> grant select on iptables.* to iptables_user@localhost
identified by 'xx';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> grant create temporary tables on iptables.*
iptables_user@localhost identified by 'xx';
ERROR 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax
near 'temporary table on iptables.* iptables_user@localhost
identified by 'jyong263'' at line 1

now, I have modification :
mysql> grant all on iptables_user@localhost identified
by 'jyong263';

2: Add the correct LOG rule to netfilter rules
you should check that the following king of lines apprears in
your logs (/var/log/syslog for example) :

Sep 24 21:33:56 nuage kernel: [IPTABLES DROP] : IN=ppp0
LEN=48 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=111 ID=25302 DF
PROTO=TCP SPT=3795 DPT=12345 WINDOW=16384 RES=0x00
SYN URGP=0 OPT (0204058401010402)

but no the logs file

3: Install database feeder

start the script as root (or any user that can read the
iptables logs) by :

/etc/init.d/iptablelog start

but system hints:
Starting iptables logfile analyzer: /etc/init.d/iptablelog: line
22: start-stop-daemon: command not found

now, the webpage come up but the log file is empty (Records
0 to 0 of 0) .

help me ,thanks