
How to reload ip list?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    running iplist by: iplist -p accept -t accept --daemon /mydir/block.lst

    I be add new range in /mydir/block.lst

    How to reload list without restarting iplist?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Reloading lists is not supported. But you could insert a new list to iplist while it is running:
      iplist -i -p accept -t accept /some/list.lst

      Reloading could be done by deleting and inserting the queue with the same file (but that would be the same as restarting). 

    • uljanow

      uljanow - 2008-12-10

      IMHO reloading doesn't have any advantages over restarting.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      1. List reloading occurs when I add new queue.

      File block.lst сontains 2 ranges.

      # iplist -p accept -t accept --daemon --queue-num=1 /2/block.lst
      # iplist --show
      Queue   Policy (mark)   Ranges  Target (mark)   File
      1       ACCEPT (0)      2       ACCEPT (0)      /2/block.lst

      Insert into file block.lst new range.

      # iplist -p accept -t accept --daemon --queue-num=1 /2/block.lst
      # iplist --show
      Queue   Policy (mark)   Ranges  Target (mark)   File
      1       ACCEPT (0)      3       ACCEPT (0)      /2/block.lst
                                      ACCEPT (0)      /2/block.lst

      List reloaded. But how to delete last queue?

      2. During reloading queue, packets will be lost?

      • uljanow

        uljanow - 2008-12-10

        1. Actually that's just like adding a new file. The ranges of the old file are not removed or modified (unless they overlap). The output shows one queue (no 1) with 2 different files. Reloading could be done like this:

        iplist --delete --queue-num=1
        iplist -i -p accept -t accept --queue-num=1 /2/block.lst

        2. Whenever a file is loaded iplist doesn't handle packets. So the packets that are redirected through iptables are DROPed.

        • Nobody/Anonymous


          If we have 10 lists, --queue-num=1..10.
          I deleting --queue-num=1, and then add --queue-num=1 with new file, in this time - other 9 lists stoped? This is restarting iplist?

          • uljanow

            uljanow - 2008-12-10

            Deleting and inserting a new queue is done indepently of the other queues. So it will _not_ affect other queues or interrupt them.

    • Nobody/Anonymous



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