
Brand New to IPBlock

  • mlnease

    mlnease - 2009-04-25


    I'm interested in using IPBlock to protect my privacy while sharing files via Transmission (Bit Torrent).  I have everything installed but don't know how to begin.  Can anyone direct me to a tutorial?

    Many thanks.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Once it's installed there's not much to do. Setting autostart and performing an initial update is sufficient.

      • mlnease

        mlnease - 2009-04-27

        Thanks, nobody, I appreciate the response.  I hadn't yet set autostart (will do) but otherwise it's up and running.  Can you suggest any means of testing my protection?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      if you use level1.gz try opening a terminal and "ping" .

      • mlnease

        mlnease - 2009-04-28

        Done--the terminal output was a repeating local IP address followed by " icmp_seq=217 Destination Port Unreachable".

        Please excuse my ignorance, but is this the result I'm looking for?

        Thanks again and in advance for your time and patience.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      While pinging the address, the log window of IPblock should show that an icmp packet (General Electric) was blocked. But unless you don't get an error message, iplist/ipblock works. You could also try "sudo ipblock -l".

      • mlnease

        mlnease - 2009-04-30

        Thanks again for your patience, nobody--here's my terminal output from "sudo ipblock -l".  As I am utterly ignorant of IP--but also so far innocent of illegal file-sharing--I post this hoping that it isn't a gross security breach.  Any further advice would be--as always--greatly appreciated.

        ~$ sudo ipblock -l
        Queue    Policy (mark)    Ranges    Target (mark)    File
        253    REPEAT (65534)    271756    DROP (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/level1.gz
                        DROP (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/ads-trackers-and-bad-pr0n.gz
                        DROP (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/edu.gz
                        DROP (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/spyware.gz
                        DROP (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/bogon.gz
        254    REPEAT (65534)    271756    REPEAT (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/level1.gz
                        REPEAT (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/ads-trackers-and-bad-pr0n.gz
                        REPEAT (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/edu.gz
                        REPEAT (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/spyware.gz
                        REPEAT (65535)    /var/cache/iplist/bogon.gz

        Chain BLOCK_MATCH (2 references)
        pkts bytes target     prot opt in     out     source               destination        
            0     0 REJECT     tcp  --  *      *             reject-with tcp-reset
          105  9342 REJECT     all  --  *      *             reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

        Last Updated Tue Apr 28 08:27:18 PDT 2009
        Last log messages (/tmp/ipblock.log):
        17:53:40.627500 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=12 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1274 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:41.627290 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=13 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1275 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:42.627520 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=14 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1276 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:43.627430 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=15 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1277 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:44.627480 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=16 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1278 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:45.627480 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=17 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1279 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:46.627400 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=18 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1280 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:47.627480 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=19 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1281 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:48.627450 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=20 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1282 OUTDEV=3
        17:53:49.627380 OUTPUT: Match=GeneralElectricCompany Hits=21 Target=REPEAT SRC= DST= Proto=ICMP HW_PROTO=0x0 LEN=84 ID=1283 OUTDEV=3

        I'm afraid I'm unable to decipher this.  Does it look OK to you?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It looks good. It blocked the ping packets.

      • mlnease

        mlnease - 2009-04-30

        Excellent, thanks again for all the feedback, I really appreciate it.  If you have any final advice to offer I'll be most grateful, otherwise no response necessary.



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