
New Feature Request

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Would it be possible to flash the IPBlock's system tray icon red whenever an ip address is blocked?  This would be a great feature to have since it would instantly alert the user of a blocked address.  Perhaps you could even display a tooltip containing the last blocked ip address when the mouse was hovered over the icon.  Thanks for the great software.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Im pretty sure it would look like christmas with the green and red flashing all the time. I get a several blocks every minute.

    • uljanow

      uljanow - 2009-04-23

      I consider it. But it would be too much overhead because there is no API available for letting the status icon blink.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Sorry, I probably chose the wrong word to describe this feature.  I didn't really mean flash as in blink on/off or change between multiple colors.  All I really meant was to display a red icon letting the user know that an ip address had been blocked.  Similar to firestarter which changes the system tray icon red whenever an attack is detected.  You can then click on the icon to open the application window which resets the icon to it's default image.

      The tooltip feature would be a great addition as well.  Currently whenever you hover over the icon it simply displays the text "IPblock".  If you could display the last blocked ip address in the tooltip then the user wouldn't have to open the application window to determine which ip address was blocked.  They could keep the application window hidden and simply hover the mouse over the system tray icon.  Thanks again and keep up the great work.


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