
Auto update broken?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Is the auto update feature working properly? I have it set to auto update every 1 day. However every now and then when I check it, it shows the last updated date to be like 3 days before today's date.

    1. Is the last updated date the last time it checked for an update (regardless of whether there were any updates or not)? Or is the date shown on the gui status bar the last date something was actually downloaded and updated?

    2. If the answer to 1 is the date it checked (regardless of what happened), then it definitely seems that auto update is not working since when I force it manually then it updates the last updated date to today.

    Ubuntu Intrepid x64, IPblock 0.23

    • uljanow

      uljanow - 2008-11-16

      Auto-update is still working. The reported date is the last time it checked for an update. There are also update messages in syslog and /tmp/ipblock.log

      # grep -ri 'ipblock\[cron\]' /var/log/syslog*
      # /var/log/syslog:Nov 16 13:47:01 dell ipblock[cron]: info: Updating lists

      You can test it by setting the timestamp so that it is 2 days old and then run /etc/cron.daily/ipblock or restart it in the GUI. In either case it will update.
      As root:

      touch -t 0811130000 /var/cache/iplist/.update-stamp

    • Skooj

      Skooj - 2009-02-07

      seems to be broken now. on .19 at least (I'm still running gutsy). seems to be trying to reach in order to obtain updates, but that page is no longer there... is there any way to make it look elsewhere for updates?

      • uljanow

        uljanow - 2009-02-07

        I've set the mirror as the primary source. Updates should work now.


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