
frozen IPBlock

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I am running  Ubuntu 8.04. used ipblock for months with no problems. about a week ago the program began to freeze on the start up. tried unistalling and purging it and reinstalling. did not help.

    can some one help me out?

    • uljanow

      uljanow - 2008-09-18

      Are you using Sun's java VM and are there  any messages if you start it with "sudo ipblock -g" ?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I ended up with an identical sounding issue.

      From the menu launcher and "sudo ipblock -g" I get the same result. A small box with partially formed gui that eventually hangs and goes grey with no error messages. I am using Sun's java. It was working quite well, until this happened. I have no idea if it something I did, but since everything else installed that requires java still works, I'm not sure.

      I do get ipblock to work in terminal mode only, though. It just means leaving a terminal window open, instead of the program window.

      I wish I had more info to give. Maybe if I knew something more specific to look for.

      • uljanow

        uljanow - 2008-09-20

        Could you post the output of "sudo java -verbose -jar /usr/share/java/ipblockUI.jar" and perhaps "grep -r upgrade /var/log/dpkg.log" to see if a upgraded package caused some issues.

        • Nobody/Anonymous

          How much of this output do you want?

          Both of these produce a significant amount of information. The first one exceeds the number of lines the buffer for my terminal will hold.

          I did the "sudo java -verbose -jar /usr/share/java/ipblockUI.jar" and the output in the terminal cruzed right along until that last line and then hung. I hope this is enough, but I can send more if you need. The grep command showed a huge amount of upgrades. Is there anything I should be looking for?

          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Line2D$Double from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Line2D from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.ImagingOpException from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.text.AttributedCharacterIterator from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Arc2D$Double from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Arc2D from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Area from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D$Double from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.Polygon from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.BasicStroke from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.Stroke from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.AWTPermission from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.TexturePaint from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.AffineTransformOp from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.BufferedImageOp from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.RasterOp from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.GradientPaint from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.renderable.RenderContext from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.MultiPixelPackedSampleModel from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.DataBufferInt from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.DataBuffer from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.PaintContext from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.PathIterator from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled)$WeakEntrySet from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled)$WeakBucket from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled)$WeakBucket$WeakEntry from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.RenderingHints$KeyImpl from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.RenderingHints$Key from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalUtils from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.image.RasterFormatException from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (BC-compiled)$Loader from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (BC-compiled)$NullImageSource from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D$1 from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.geom.GeneralPath$GeneralPathIterator from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.Container$GfxPaintVisitor from <no code source>]
          [Loaded (pre-compiled) java.awt.Container$GfxVisitor from <no code source>]

          • uljanow

            uljanow - 2008-09-22

            That was enough information to reproduce it on hardy ! I just installed java-gcj-compat and it froze. gcj conflicts with sun's java and shouldn't be still available since a free openjdk exists.

            To fix it I would remove every package that contains *gcj* (especially gcj-4.1, gcj-4.2, java-gcj-compat). Most packages that need gcj depend on a metapackage java2-runtime which is provided by sun-java[5-6]-jre, so it shouldn't remove any wanted packages.

            • Nobody/Anonymous

              Many thanks!

              This has solved my problem with the malformed GUI that eventually bombs out. I wonder why those were even installed? I am pretty sure that I hadn't selected them for any reason.

              Thanks again!

            • Nobody/Anonymous

              Nobody, I must thank you again.  The 'gcj' files WERE the problem on the second computer I've been trying to install IPBlock on.  I should mention that I didn't uninstall everything with 'gcj' in it as that would have meant uninstalling Open Office--but the files you specified did the trick, and at the end of a long and frustrating effort.  Thanks again.


              p.s.  This is anonymous only because SourceForge won't allow me to log in--just blanks out my username and returns to the login screen.  Go figure.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I've installed latest version (2.21), I get this error message:
      '/usr/sbin/ipblock: 341: LOG_IPTABLES: parameter not set'

      Anyone can help me? ;)

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        It looks like you're using an old config file. "sudo cp /usr/share/doc/iplist/examples/ipblock.conf /etc" should  fix it.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thanks a lot, I've resolved my problem ;)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I am also running Ubuntu 8.04. I use iplist since six months without problems. Until yesterday.
      Yesterday morning I downloaded the new version (0.23), and after the installation a I was surprised. I tryed a few sites  (what I know) and the program did not blocked them. I uninstalled it and after back to 0.22 version. It works perfectly. Can anybody help me? Thank you!

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        The version 0.23 ignores http and dns by default.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Thank you for the wery quick solve!It works alredy perfectly!


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