
IntraLAN / News: Recent posts

Messaging.. Done!

Thanks to Michael for doing most of the work for messaging. As far as i can tell its now 100% done.

If you want messaging, please check out from the CVS.

Actually, check out the CVS anyway, 0.3.5 might not happen. Well probably just go with 0.4. as tournaments are near completion.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-11-05

IntraLAN 0.3.5 Nears

The release of version 0.3.5 nears, i seriously recommend poeple checkout from the cvs rather than downloading 0.3.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-10-22

Issues with 0.3 =)

Leaving teams doesnt work in 0.3, youll just have to get your team creator to kick you =P

Its fixed in CVS, expect 0.3.1 later this week.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-10-16

IntraLAN 0.3 Released!

We (the IntraLAN Team) are pleased to announce the release of IntraLAN 0.3, the first "usable" release of IntraLAN. Notably, phase one of automated tournaments has been completed. Guests can now register for tournaments via thier favourite web browser (mozilla *grin*) We hope 0.3 will be usefull to LAN gaming groups other than our own and as always we are open to feedback, patches etc.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-10-15

version 0.3 approaches

Tonight ive completed joining teams and canceling teams. In intralan you can now create tournaments, depending on the number of players per team, intralan will produce dm or teams info (anything more than 1 is teams). You can join and leave dm events, create teams, join teams and cancel teams.

Slaad has begun work on a time table also.

When i have completed leaving teams, kicking from teams and password protected teams, 0.3 will be released. IntraLAN will then be *very* usefull for LAN partys and will become more usefull as i move into stage two of tournaments (refer to TODO)... read more

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-10-12

Ad Rotation

I added a simple but effective add rotation mechanism. This is a plugin for the sound server and will select an image from a directory and then link to it. This is included in the footer and can easily be removed.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-10-08

0.2.1 Released

I decided that enough change has happened to make a new release, albiet a minor release. Hopefully this release is a little better than the last.

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-09-27

Issues with 0.2

release 0.2 has a few bugs and ommisions in it, they shouldnt affect its function 99% of the time.
If you really care the cvs is pretty stable at this point so grab that.

Sorry about the lack of install instructions but thats not really our priority

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-09-22

Jukebox component done

The jukebox component is done. Tournaments is in progress, so ill bundle the first release!

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-09-21

Making good progress

We are making good progress, all admin functions are almost complete and the database now features indexes and t'ing (ali-g rules).

We are still looking for developers so please help us if you can...

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-09-18


Code is now in cvs, although we are still working out how to use cvs properly... Well get there.

Ive started moving towards more static content. Instead of data coming straight from the database, as proven at WWL, its much faster to regenerate sections of html when they need to be updated, rather than making them each time.

Have fun kiddies!

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-09-13


Were on sourceforge! thanks VA, your a bunch of champions. I must say i like to layout changes of late.

Anyway, ill get Finny to move the files in soon, they will be in cvs under "/old" or something. I should get some shtml done soon with shtml stubs so people will know what were after. Ill also make a dir called "/sql" which will contain the sql commands for each table that must be created. This keeps things seperated nicely because i love to tweak tables =)... read more

Posted by Dean Hamstead 2000-08-21