
OpenSuSE 10.3 failed to uninstall instlux

  • Joerg Lehmann

    Joerg Lehmann - 2008-01-23

    Yesterday I installed openSuSE 10.3 starting from Windows Vista. The installation guide said that after reboot openSuSE installer would start after reboot, and it did.

    Everything worked fine during installation from DVD, the 10.3 distribution runs well, the bootloader GRUB comes up after booting. Choosing SuSE 10.3 everything works quite fine, but choosing windows restarts the openSUSE installer again (but I want be able reboot Vista!).

    The startup guide promised (in section 1.2.3) that when Microsoft Windows is booted again, instlux is automatically uninstalled. Obviously this has not been the case.

    What I can see from the windows boot screen is that the commands listed in the GRUB menu.lst (title windows) are being executed, afterwards a screen with the header "windows-start-manager" comes up, then the openSUSE Installer v.3.0.20 starts again.

    Since I've got no Vista DVD (recovery version), I would like to know if there is any possibility to remove the installation program and to tell windows to boot again. It seems to me that the problem does not really lie with openSUSE (since the menu.lst entries are being executed), but more with the windows boot sequence.

    I had close look on the windows folders and there is no boot.ini in Vista, but a second file menu.lst in the folder /windows/C/ (must have been created in Vista by the installation program. It says:

    timeout 0
    title openSUSE 10.3 installer (LOCAL).
    find --set-root /openSUSE_hitme.txt
    kernel /openSUSE/linux devfs=mount,dall
    ramdisk_size=65536 lang=de splash=silent vga=0x31A
    initrd /openSUSE/initrd

    If I change the entries, would that be any possibility? Should I change any other entries in Vista boot files?

    Thank you in advance

    • jordi_massaguer_pla

      I am sorry but instlux does not yet support Windows Vista. A bug has been filled and a notice is on the home page. Sorry again for any inconvenience.

    • Joerg Lehmann

      Joerg Lehmann - 2008-01-23


      Does this mean that there is no possibility to save Vista without a Windows Installation/Rescue DVD?

    • jordi_massaguer_pla

      It means that I do not know as I do not have any windows vista to try it.


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