
How to recover the Pascal Script?

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-24

    How to recover the Pascal Script of the original installation script (.ISS)?

    Any installer and try that, I can not get the pascal script

    Thanks in advance ^^

  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-24

    You can't get script in original form. You can however extract file "embedded\CompiledCode.bin" (if present) which is compiled script and try to disassemble it with ROPS Disassembler.

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-25

    Hey, thank you very much for your quick reply =]

    Ok, but how I do it? Innounp comes with integrated ROPS disassembler, right? What are the command-line options?

    The installer has the file extension .bin (CompiledCode.bin):

    Sorry for so many questions, its just that i really want to go understand about that.. and thank you so much for helping! ^^

  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-26

    Disassembler is a separate tool. You can download it from 'other stuff' directory in files section.

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-29

    Okay, but I don't know what to do next? Can you help me, please?


  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-29

    On which step did you stuck exactly?

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-29

    To tell the truth, I do not know where to start. =/
    Will you teach me? Can you teach me a step-by-step?

  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-29

    It is quite simple.
    - Download ROPS disassembler from files section (take latest version)
    - Extract CompiledCode.bin from installer with innounp
    - Run disassembler on extracted file (e.g. disasm.exe CompiledCode.bin CompiledCode.txt)
    - You are done. You have decompiled script in CompiledCode.txt

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-29

    WOW.. Is very simple same =D
    It worked like a charm. I Just do not know what to do with the generated code (I didn't understand the contents):


  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-30

    I Just do not know what to do with the generated code

    Why did you wanted to decompile it in the first place?

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-31

    Well, I want to update the program. It is a language pack of Photoshop CS4 (x86 & x64). To tell the truth, I wanted to know how the installer was done, but the script (.ISS) is incomplete.

  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-31

    If you want to study where files are placed by the installer then you probably don't need script content.
    If you want to reconstruct script original text then this is not an easy task. Disassembled code is much less readable. And you have to analyze it on your own, I can't help you with that.

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-03-31

    Absolutely. But I just was surprised to see that some folders have names of registry keys.
    I'm researching and studying a little more, since I'm still using n00b on the subject. ^^
    Thanks bro, and you've helped a lot. And I'm sorry for anything =]

  • Ariman

    Ariman - 2012-03-31

    No problem at all. I would help with script but I never actually tried to write a Pascal Script code. So you can imagine my knowledge on disassembled code is event lesser. ))

  • Hélder Coelho

    Hélder Coelho - 2012-04-02

    I only used once to rebuild the installer Vdownloader (I removed all adwares files), it was necessary. Lucky me to have found the code on the internet =X

    function NeedsAddPath(Param: string): boolean;
      OrigPath: string;
      if not RegQueryStringValue(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,
        'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment',
        'Path', OrigPath)
      then begin
        Result := True;
      // look for the path with leading and trailing semicolon
      // Pos() returns 0 if not found
      Result := Pos(';' + Param + ';', ';' + OrigPath + ';') = 0;
    end;[/quote]But if you want to take a look and I audar in the script, the link to the installer that I'm trying to rebuild is this: [code][/code]Is there a newer version for CS5, but could not extract the installation script (.ISS). It seems much more elaborate, since the installer verifies that the PS is installed before proceeding with the installation. But for now, I want to dedicate only the installer posted above ^^

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