
Elevation lines not showed.

  • keltxo

    keltxo - 2011-02-18

    Hi Cristiian, first  congratule for your job!

    I have problems with the charts in your component…The  elevation line not showed… (i´m using the last version)
    Maybe you can help me.
    My web is
    Is a mountain web page wih lots of tracks and i want to implement your component in it. I´m trying to used the component in Track section but i want to put the tracks (individualy) in the content articles too ass a joomla plugin.
    Can you help me? my email is

    Kind Regards from Spain.

  • Christian Knorr

    Christian Knorr - 2011-02-20

    Hi keltxo,
    you can wait for the 0.4.11 Version, or, if you have fileaccess, you can try to solve your problem.
    Edit /components/com_injooosm/helpers/gpsClass.php

    Search in function "giveTimestamp" for "$time_tmp_time_sec = $time_tmp_time;"  and replace it with "$time_tmp_time_sec = (int)round($time_tmp_time,0);"

    Thanks for your accolade :)
    Greetings, Chris………

  • keltxo

    keltxo - 2011-02-21

    Thanks Chistian, i do that but the problem persist…I send you the file.

    Best Regards..

  • Christian Knorr

    Christian Knorr - 2011-02-22

    keltxo, please try another template (for Joomla, not for injooosm).
    If it solve the problem please let me know which template you use.

    Greetings, Chris……..

  • Christian Knorr

    Christian Knorr - 2011-02-22

    Works your Server with Linux or M$?

  • keltxo

    keltxo - 2011-02-22

    Hi Chris.

    I've tested the component with two diferents templates and the problem its not solved…

    My server works in linux.

    Best Regards.


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