
Ingex used in production

  • JReykdal

    JReykdal - 2013-10-21

    Just wanted to let you guys know that we're (finally) using Ingex to record a multi camera childrens show (Iceland's oldest show) and it "Just Works(tm)" :)

    We're using Quicktime DV50 into Premiere for this show and I'm not aware that they've had to use the tape backups for anything.



  • Matthew Marks

    Matthew Marks - 2013-10-21

    Good stuff! Thanks for letting us know.

  • dvision

    dvision - 2017-01-09

    Hello JReykdal!

    Are you using the aaf export in your workflow? I wonder if it works for you. In my experience, importing an aaf exported "for avid", leads to offline clips in Premiere after importing the respective aaf file. Although importing an aaf exported by Avid Media Composer works just fine. AFAIK Avid uses clip names for referencing the media files, while Premiere use the file name as reference. My guess is that the aaf export implemented in Ingex does not include the filenames, because Avid does not need them, this leading to offline clips upon importing the same aaf file in Premiere.


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