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If this can be of help for Mac OS X users, I resolved the
issue by doing the following:


- setup global options to utf8 for all character set and
collation variables: client, connection, server
- in infoglue db:
--> run alter table <infoglue_table> convert character set
utf8 collation utf8_general_ci

In Infoglue webapp dirs:
- create under Jetty home ./conf/Catalina/localhost
- create under Jetty home ./shared/lib
- u: root p: 6aaqj5
- removed xercesImpl.jar from Infoglue WEBINF/lib webapp dirs
- added log4j in jetty/ext
- convert infoglue db to utf8 as root, mysql> select "alter
table ",table_name," convert to character set utf8 collate
utf8_unicode_ci;" from information_schema.tables where
- change webapps/.../database.xml, characterEncoding=utf8
(vs UTF-8)
- change webapps/.../database.xml, hibernate_cfg.xml,
propertyset.xml any references from ISO-8859 to UTF-8
- update the mysql jdbc parameters to: "

- Firefox 1.0.6 was creating the flashing, but safari 2.0.3
is working ok