
#65 South motion never stops on Nexstar telescope


Hi, I have tried running a Celestron Nexstar (Celestron Advanced VX) telescope mount using Ekos/INDI and Kstars as installed in Distroastro 3.0.2. When I try out the motions in the Motion Control Tab in the INDI Control Panel, I notice that when I press the "South" button motion starts, but when I press the South button again, the motion never stops. For all the other buttons (North,East,West) the motion can be both started and stopped using the same button. But not for South. In the log window below the motion buttons it is stated "Movement toward south halted". But the motion towards south does not stop, unless I press the North button, which changes motion from south to north, and when I then press North again motion stops completely.The Nexstar version, as stated by the Indi Control Panel is 5.22. This problem is somewhat of a security risk if a telescope is attached and the mount is moving at high speed... /Ulf


  • Jasem Mutlaq

    Jasem Mutlaq - 2015-07-05

    I'm not sure what libindi is available in Distroastro, but I'd recommend you use latest INDI. Just run indiserver on the command and let me know the version you are running. Also, you can enable debug logging under the "Options" tab and save that to a log file. This would be useful as it logs all the commands and responses from the mount.

  • UlfG

    UlfG - 2015-07-05

    Output from indiserver:

    2015-07-05T17:30:00: startup: indiserver
    Usage: indiserver [options] driver [driver ...]
    Purpose: server for local and remote INDI drivers
    INDI Library: 1.1.0
    Code $Rev$. Protocol 1.7.

    See also log enclosed logfile.


  • Jasem Mutlaq

    Jasem Mutlaq - 2015-07-05

    Ok thanks for the report. I made a modification, please check tomorrow after running an update.

  • UlfG

    UlfG - 2015-07-06

    Yes, after running update manager problem is solved. Thanks. /Ulf.

  • Jasem Mutlaq

    Jasem Mutlaq - 2016-02-11
    • status: open --> closed

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