
imywa / Blog: Recent posts

Planificación temporal de esta semana

Hoy hemos definido y declarado los distintos elementos que encontraremos durante la implementación del frame card. Para esta semana hemos decidido el siguiente plan:

Miercoles: impresión de los distintos componentes del card
Jueves: contruir los diferentes field types
Viernes: finalizar los puntos restantes

Posted by Borja Brisson 2012-11-27

The current folder has been removed

All the code in the current folder have been improved from some weeks. The version in the future folder is obsolete now, and this folder has no sense now. All the features in this version are moved to the current folder.

The future and current folders have been removed. And now all the folders in the project are in the root.

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-24

Week 3 goal. The database access, the card frame, the form style and the internacionalization

We have 4 goals for this week.

The card frame - A frame to show or edit one record of your database. We will define a record class to navigate throw a query and keep the record data. All record information will be displayed in a card format. We will define the visual aspect, the format, and other issues for every data type that the database manages.

The internationalzation - We will prepare the framework to manage several languages.... read more

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-15

Week 2 goal achieved

The paragraph frame was made. The framework has the capabiliy of making beautiful and profesional pdf reports. Some litle works remain on this subject.

We are integrated the less compliler in the project. All jquery ui theme css have been converted to the less format.

We have improved the form style, but great work is still waiting us on this subject.

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-15

External Libraries

A new libray folder, named "libs", has been created into the source folder.

All the external php libraries that the framework uses, are going to be stored in this folder.

The pdf creator library fpdf version 1.7 from copyright to Olivier Plathey, has been moved to this folder.

The php Markdown extra Library version 1.2.5 from copyright to 2004-2009 Michel Fortin, based on Markdown copyright to 2003-2006 John Gruber, has been added to the folder.... read more

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-10

Week 2 Goal - Paragraph frame and puting style to the form.

The second week goal is the paragraph frame.

It is a frame made-up from a list of paragraph. We admit paragraphs oo three types, headers, rich texts and images. These paragraphs can be displaying on the browser windows, and printed to a pdf or csv file. The paragraph frame keeps the behabior of the htmlframe (maximize, sort, collapse and expand, and resize).

Also we are going to continue the form work. The style of the bread-crumb-bar. The button bar, the form header and the toolbar.... read more

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-08

Week 1 Goal Achieved.

The first week was gone, and the first goal has been achieved.

The html-frame has been implemented. It can be maximized. You can sort all the frames, the form have. The frame can be collapse and resize.

The jQuery UI has been tested and included in the project.

Also we discover the project. We adopt this impresive tool into the project.

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-08

Week 1 Goal - HTML Frame

We are going to divide the work in week goal. Every week we have a new goal to achieve. We review the week's goals on thursdays (for this first goal we have only 3 days).

The Goal for this week is to show the new style form. We must show all the divisions of the form and all the frames the form contains. We work on the htmlframe, that is a frame with an inner static html content. The form must show some htmlframes and must maximize and restore any of the frames.... read more

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-04

Update to new version

The project has been upgraded.

You must change the subversion url to the new one:


To do this, you must erase your working directory /home/Proyectos/Web/imywa and checkout from the new url.

cd \~/Proyectos/Web
rm -Rf imywa
svn checkout svn+ssh:// imywa

Now, we have two new tools: This blog and the ticket tracker.

We use this blog to write all significant changes to the project and to comunicate any important thing. The ticket tracker is our "todo" task list. All the work will be organized in this tracker list. We will use the milestone, owner and label fields to organize our work in a better way. ... read more

Posted by Domingo Melian 2012-11-03