
Is the project abandoned?

  • Ahmed Mohombe

    Ahmed Mohombe - 2004-11-15


    Is the project abandoned or still alive?
    It would be a pity  since the project looks very promissing.

    Just curious, cause since March this year, no releases appeared (nor are the a lot of questions on "" answered).

    Thanks in advance,


    • hadrian

      hadrian - 2004-11-29

      As far as I'm concerned the project is not abandoned; it's just been on the back-burners for a while (quite a long while as you pointed out) because I've been really busy. I can't speak for Wei because I know he's been busy too, but I'm hoping to get the show back on the road very soon.

      If you know of any bugs or want to request some more features, please log them on this site and I'll see what I can do.

    • Jimmer

      Jimmer - 2005-02-16

      Does anyone know an easy way I can get thumb.php to make a second image of a different size in a different folder?

      Also, does anyone know where thumbs.php is called?  I need to make a copy of it and I can't find where it is included. 

      • hadrian

        hadrian - 2005-02-16

        In answer to your first question, it can be done. Simply insert these (at ~ line 66) into thumbnails.php [just after $thumbnailer->createThumbnail($fullpath, $thumbnail)]:


        //creating second image
        $thumbnailer2 = new Thumbnail($width,$height);
        $thumbnailer2->createThumbnail($fullpath, $thumbnail2);


        where $width is the maximum desired width of the image and $height is the maximum desired height of the image. $thumbnail2 should be the full path and name for your image. Adding configuration settings for these should be quite straight forward.

        The answer to your second question is simpler. The answer is in images.php. When an image has no thumbnail and is bigger than the default thumbnail size, the 'src' attribute of the thumbnail <IMG /> tags is "thumbs.php?img=FOO.BAR" where FOO.BAR is the name and path of your image relative to the image directory (rawurlencode'd). The src actually comes from the getThumbnail() function in ImageManager.php (~ line 498).


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