
IMDB search issue - title hyperlinks changed

Ben Smith
  • Ben Smith

    Ben Smith - 2004-12-23

    The imdb have changed their website again so that searches show incorrect titles. It seems that they have added some kind of unique id to a search so that you can go back / forward through the search results more easily.

    The new format of the film listings in the results page is as follows:

    <a href="/title/tt0370263/?fr=c2l0ZT11a3xteD0yMHxzZz0xfGxtPTIwMHx0dD1vbnxwbj0wfHE9YWxpZW4gdnMgcHJlZGF0b3J8aHRtbD0xfG5tPW9u;fc=1;ft=6;fm=1">AVP: Alien Vs. Predator</a>

    Whereas the code is searching on '<a href="/title/tt' in the php class. I'm not a wizard with regex but I assume it would be relatively straightforward to ignore everything between the <a /> tag and concentrate on the name?

    • Izzy

      Izzy - 2005-04-08


      there have been some changes on IMDB during the last few month. I noticed that because I'm using the IMDBPHP class in my own application (phpVideoPro), and took care for this. The issue you describe should be solved by the latest release (v0.82) you can d/l here on SF. However, hopefully there will be a new release soon that solves some other problems as well. It is almost ready, just needs some closer testing.



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