
help with version 0.8

  • busemann

    busemann - 2006-07-29


    This is proplably more a PHP problem than it is a imdb problem, but maybe some of you can help me...

    It seems that my imdb scripts stops at the first " -> "
    It can't get past line 6 in imdbsearch.php: $search->setsearchname ($HTTP_GET_VARS["name"]);
    It's the -> that causes the problem.

    Have run other scripts that uses -> before and those have been ok...

    Does anyone have an explanaition to this ??

    • busemann

      busemann - 2006-07-30

      Have solved the problem no...

      The imdbsearch.php script is started with <? . Changed it to <?php and the problem was gone.. :D

      cache.php has the same problem. Just to change the start from <? to <?php and the problem is solved...

    • shs

      shs - 2006-07-30

      Check your php.ini config file.  You need:
      short_open_tag = On

      You obviously have it set to Off!


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