
Problem with images

  • MaDDoXs

    MaDDoXs - 2007-02-21


    The images is will no show on my ftp (imdb/images), but on web they are visible.
    Look here:
    The strange is that %0a is added in the begining of every filename.
    Like this:
    I use v0.8.5 and the new imdb.php and imdb.class.php from CVS.

    One way to "fix" it is to write %0a in here etc.
    <img src=\&quot;../imdb/images/%0a".$_GET['imdbid'].".jpg\&quot;>
    and every other places I got this problem.

    But I hope someone would help me with this problem :)

    - MaDDoXs

    • Izzy

      Izzy - 2007-02-21

      Not sure if I understand the problem. What do you mean by "ftp"? The whole thing is designed to work via http. I didn't do any testing with ftp, and I completely don't understand what you are doing via ftp. Second, I don't know about your configuration - the URL of the (not-shown) image looks a bit strange to me (http: // There are multiple machines involved? How is the image path accessed from the webserver (Samba?)? Maybe you are rather encountering some protocol problems when storing the image via network between different OSs?

    • MaDDoXs

      MaDDoXs - 2007-02-21

      Sorry, I formulated myself in a very clumsy way. You clearly dident understand my problem (my fault), but I got someone to look through it and he fixed it.
      It runs almost completly smooth now, just a couple of small problems left to fix.

      Thanks for a very usefull script! Great job :)

      • Izzy

        Izzy - 2007-02-22

        Good to read your problem is fixed now - even if you let me in the dark about what it was. Something to do from my side, or is it all just about your installation?

    • MaDDoXs

      MaDDoXs - 2007-02-22

      No, its was clearly something from my side. The guy who fixed it sad it was my server that wasent willing to do what I ask it to do,hehe.


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