
ILDJIT / News: Recent posts


The new major version of ILDJIT has been released!

Main changes:
- integration with LLVM to dump binaries
- many bugs have been fixed
- several improvements on compilation time
- new code optimizations
- better organization of the code in libraries

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2014-07-16


A new subproject has been started: AIKA
AIKA is able to download, compile and install ILDJIT by exploiting python and the Qt4 graphic library.
Moreover, it is able to rebuild or upgrade ILDJIT after the first installation.

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2009-05-11

ILDJIT 0.0.3

Hi everybody,
I am glad to announce the release 0.0.3 of ILDJIT.

First of all, I want to special thanks to every of you that has helped ILDJIT to grow during this last year!

The main difference on the release 0.0.2 are about the following features:
- more stability of the dynamic compiler
- implementation of the DLA compilation
- added support for the ARM processor
- started the support of CIL threads... read more

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2009-03-26

Mailing list

The official mailing list of ILDJIT project is burn.
The mailing list is open to everyone.

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2008-03-12

ILDJIT 0.0.2

A new complete release of ILDJIT project is born!!!!

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2008-03-07


A new library is born :-)
Libiljitiroptimizer manages the optimization plugins.

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2008-03-07


The wiki of ILDJIT is born!


Since it is very young it works upon trust and then you can modify what you want; please do not make the wiki rethink about it.

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2008-02-10


Libiljitir is a new library of ILDJIT project to manage the IR methods.
This library also is used to transform the IR methods from and to their RPC representation.

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2008-01-30

Regression test

It is now ready to download the regression test for ILDJIT dynamic compiler (ildjittester package)

Posted by Simone Campanoni 2008-01-03